Musical Contents

(Instruments listed are optional)

From Virgin's Womb (strings, brass, organ) Gibbons 3
What Child Is This? (strings, recorders, harpsichord) Anon. 6
Now Let Us All With One Accord (strings, recorders) Conversi 11
His Rest (harpsichord or organ) Farnaby 16
Now Winter Nights Enlarge (strings, harpsichord) Campion 19
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks (strings, Este's Psalter and
recorders, brass, organ or harpsichord) Ravenscroft's Psalter 23

Cover: Engraving from the title page of
William Byrd's Songs of Sundrie Natures. 1589.
Courtesy of the Folger Shakespeare Library. Washington, D.C.

Performance time: ca. 20 minutes