Commissioned for the annual Christmas Tree Festival, First United Methodist Church, Big Spring, Texas. The first movement was written as the opening number for the 1994 festival, Randy Stevens, Director. The remaining movements were written for the 20th Annual festival in 1998, John M. Ross, Director. Published by Hinshaw Music Inc. P.O. Box 470, Chapel Hill, NC 27544

This collection is designed to be flexible and versatile. It can be used as a set for concert or a madrigal dinner with or without the readings which appear between pieces. It can also be used as a source of new pieces to be inserted into pre-existing madrigal dinner programs. Churches may also find it appropriate in which case Now Winter Nights Enlarge and Green Grow'th the Holly may be omitted. Published by Carl Fischer, 62 Cooper Square New York, NY 10003

Rejoice in God contains many treasures. There is a rich variety in the hymns (many of which are settings of texts by leading hymn writers) and some have alternative harmonizations and descants. In addition, Scott has provided some service music. Among the hymns are settings of some of his own lively and felicitous texts. Published by MorningStar Music Publishers

Published Collections

A listing of Individual Published Pieces by Title and Publisher